Old English Recipe jpg format
The recipes for the Ron Pattinson Event are attached to the post above.
Happy Brewing
The Free State Homebrew Club Guild
Maryland Homebrewing
Old English Recipe jpg format
The recipes for the Ron Pattinson Event are attached to the post above.
Happy Brewing
Baltibrew would like to brew a beer for this very cool event but we’d like to see what others are brewing so we don’t ovelap. Our top three choices are:
1. 1900 Gratzer/Garodziskie
2. 1885 Younger XP
3. 1846 Truman XXXXK
If anybody else is looking to brew let me know so we can compare notes/plans.
Thanks much,
So a couple of us from Baltibrew brewed up the 1900 Gratzer/Grodziskie from Ron’s recipe. 7 lbs oak smoked wheat, 2 hour boil with additions of 2 oz. Saaz (didn’t have access to Lublin) and 1 oz Fuggles, WhiteLabs Kolsch yeast fermenting at 68F. I deviated from the recipe in that I made the beer sour. I made a sour starter and then soured the wort for a day before boiling and adding the hops. OG = 1.029. It’s in the fermenter and should be ready to go for the event on March 16th.
Will it be ready for the Md Homebrew event? I’m really interested to taste it.